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Upcoming events

    • July 30, 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Online Event

    July 30, 2024 - 1:00pm ET

    The ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series provides a platform for businesses to connect with disability employment service providers across the country. Business Leaders share current opportunities and hiring initiatives, benefits of working there, diversity and inclusion goals and the application process. This is your chance to connect directly with Human Resources and hiring Managers and have an opportunity to ask questions.

    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) contributes to the well-being of Canadians by delivering world-class tax and benefit administration that is responsive, effective, and trusted because we put people first! High employee morale and engagement are the core of our agency. To make sure that our employees are heard, we listen to what they have to say, learn what’s important to them, and turn those findings into programs that make the CRA a welcoming and happy place to work.

    The CRA is committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible workplace for all employees and is pro-actively working with the Persons with disabilities community to identify, eliminate and prevent barriers to accessibility and enable everyone's full participation in our workplace.

    If you’re looking for meaningful work and the chance to grow professionally, consider the CRA!

    For more information, please visit: www.canada.ca/work-at-cra

    Join us for a one-hour Biz Connect Webinar to learn more! 

    Closed Captioning and ASL interpretation is provided for this event. 

    • August 01, 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Événement en ligne Inscription

    Août 1, 2024 - 1:00pm ET

    La série ODEN Biz Connect chef responsable de la connexion offre une plateforme permettant aux entreprises de se connecter avec des fournisseurs de services d'emploi pour les personnes en situation de handicap à travers le pays. Les leaders d'entreprises partagent les opportunités actuelles et les initiatives de recrutement, les avantages de travailler chez eux, les objectifs de diversité et d'inclusion, ainsi que le processus de candidature. C'est votre chance de vous connecter directement avec les Ressources Humaines et les gestionnaires de recrutement et d'avoir l'opportunité de poser des questions.

    L’Agence du revenu du Canada contribue au bien-être des Canadiens en offrant une administration fiscale et des prestations de calibre mondial qui est réceptive, efficace et digne de confiance, car nous mettons les gens d’abord! Le moral et la mobilisation élevés des employés sont au cœur de l’Agence. Pour nous assurer que nos employés sont entendus, nous écoutons ce qu’ils ont à dire, comprenons ce qui est important pour eux et transformons nos constatations en programmes qui font de l’Agence un lieu de travail accueillant et agréable.

    L'ARC est engagée à favoriser un milieu de travail inclusif et accessible pour tous les employés. Elle collabore de manière proactive avec la communauté des personnes en situation de handicap afin d'identifier, d'éliminer et de prévenir les obstacles à l'accessibilité et de permettre à tous de participer pleinement dans notre milieu de travail.

    Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un travail significatif et d’une occasion pour s’épanouir sur le plan professionnel, prenez en considération l’Agence du revenu du Canada!

    Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter la page https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-revenu/organisation/carrieres-a-arc.html

    Joignez-vous à nous pour un webinaire Biz Connect d'une heure pour en savoir plus !

    Des sous-titres et une interprétation en ASL sont offerts pour cet événement

    • August 13, 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Online Event

    Connecting Jobseekers to Jobs: 

    Jobs Ability Canada Information Session 

    August 13th, 2024- 1:00PM EST. 

    Are you an Employment Service Provider committed to supporting job seekers who have a disability? Join our information session to learn how Jobs Ability Canada can help your job seekers achieve their employment goals.  

    Designed by, and for people who have a disability, Jobs Ability Canada is always free for job seekers.  

    What You'll Learn: 

    • Introduction to Jobs Ability Canada 

    • Profile Creation: Discover how easy it is for your jobseekers to create a profile, share their skills, preferences, and experience. 

    • Real-Time Job Matching: Learn how Jobs Ability’s advanced AI tool matches job seekers with inclusive employers based on their skills and experiences. 

    • Empowering Job Seekers: Understand the unique benefits Jobs Ability Canada offers, including accessibility and job opportunities. 

    Date:August 13th, 2024 

    Time:1:00 PM EST 

    Register today and support your job seekers to achieve their employment goals with Jobs Ability Canada! 

    If you require ASL interpretation for this event, please email info@ontariotrainingcentre.com to indicate this by Tuesday, July 30th, 2024. 

    • August 20, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online Event

    Photo shows a man seating and ordering food at a restaurant. The person taking the order is a young woman who is smiling and holding a notepad. She has Down syndrome. On the top corner is a logo all in white colour. The centre of the logo has a circle with a check mark across it. Above the circle, the project name “Beyond AODA Compliance”. Below the circle, the tagline “Disability Inclusive Hiring”.

    Beyond AODA Compliance: Disability Inclusive Hiring 

    ESP Information Session

    August 20, 2024 - 11:00AM

    Join ODEN to learn more about our newest project initiative, the Beyond AODA Compliance – Disability Inclusive Hiring. The project explores employment barriers faced by people who have a disability, as identified by people who have a disability, and focuses on how these job seekers experienced, and may continue to experience, those barriers. 

    In this session, you will learn about the examples and content of the learning module for employers called “Beyond AODA Compliance – Disability Inclusive Hiring” and how you can engage with employers, small, medium and large, in your community to connect them to this training.

    ASL and close caption will be available.

    For any inquiries or assistance regarding the webinar, please contact Ingrid Muschta at imuschta@odennetwork.com or 1 866-280-6336 ext. 104.

    • August 21, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 9

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    August 21, 22, 28, 29, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    August 21, 22, 28, 29, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • August 21, 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online
    • 7

    August 21 & 22, 2024
    9:00am - 12:00pm ET

    ODEN’s Disability Awareness & Confidence Training is designed for Employment Service Providers wanting to gain knowledge in order to be responsive to the broader abilities, competencies and needs of people who have a disability.

    This training will help to prepare you to confidently support job seekers who have a disability. It explains the benefits of inclusive hiring practices and dispels the misconceptions and myths that frequently surround people who have a disability and will equip you with the knowledge you need in your role as an Employment Service Provider.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Understanding of Disability Employment in Canada
    • The importance of language - an introduction to people-first terminology
    • Understanding of the barriers to inclusion - Dispelling myths that create biases and barriers
    • General overview of disabilities, impacts and considerations for success in the workplace
    • Accommodation and universal design
    • Opportunity to ask questions in a safe and supportive setting

    Member - $180
    Non-Member - $200

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • September 11, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Advanced Job Development Training for Employment Service Professionals

    Dates for this session:
    September 11 & 12, 2024
    8:45am - 12:00pm ET


    ODEN’s Advanced Job Development Training is designed for experienced employment service professionals who want to upskill, refine and polish their approach. This comprehensive course will help employment specialists, job developers and job coaches learn how to take a business centered approach to build capacity and improve employment outcomes for people who have a Disability.

    In a recent survey, 77% of Ontario Chamber of Commerce business members identified labour shortages as their number-one business challenge. There is a labour demand problem. People who have a disability are the labour supply solution.

    Are you ready? This training will help your Job Development and Coaching teams increase their capacity to support job seekers and employers in order to meet the labour demands of businesses in your community.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Discover the facts, opportunities and challenges employment service providers and job seekers are currently facing in Canada
    • Learn quality service strategies and how to implement them
    • Develop an understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluating client service (the dual customer model)
    • Learn how to use business cases to communicate to employers about the benefits of inclusive employment
    • The Discovery Process - Discuss strategies and learn how to use tools to get to know your client’s employment goals, skills, abilities, and interests
    • Business approach - Learn how to operate your organization like a business, by marketing and selling your services
    • Learn how to be seen as a valuable human resources consultant for businesses

    Length of Training:
    September 11 & 12, 2024
    8:45am - 12:00pm

    ODEN Member Price - $180.00
    Non-Member Price - $200.00

    This is an online, interactive session facilitated by an ODEN Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per session, to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout this live session. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • September 17, 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Online Event

    September 17, 2024 - 1:00pm ET

    The ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series provides a platform for businesses to connect with disability employment service providers across the country. Business Leaders share current opportunities and hiring initiatives, benefits of working there, diversity and inclusion goals and the application process. This is your chance to connect directly with Human Resources and hiring Managers and have an opportunity to ask questions.

    ODEN is pleased to welcome Michel Bougie, HR Advisor, National Recruitment Directorate team, Public Service Commission of Canada for the September session of our BizConnect Leader Series.

    What does the PSC do:

    The Public Service Commission of Canada is responsible for promoting and safeguarding a merit-based, representative and non-partisan public service that serves all Canadians. They also manage the tools for public service recruitment, providing applicants with a single portal to access all public service job opportunities. They are committed to building a public service that represents and fully includes the diverse identities, cultures, skills, perspectives and experiences that make up Canada.

    A few points about what will be covered during the presentation:

    • Why work for the federal public service
    • Diversity and inclusion initiatives and strategies
    • PSC student and graduate programs
    • Assessment accommodations and self-declaration

    This event is ideal for employment service providers, job seekers and other stakeholders who are interested in connecting with employers hiring people who have a disability.

    Closed captioning and ASL interpretation is provided for this event. 

    • September 18, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    September 18, 19, 25, 26, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    September 18, 19, 25, 26, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • September 25, 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Withrow Common Gallery - 200 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
    • 6

    Join Us at Connect360!

    SEPTEMBER 25, 2024

    9:00am - 5:00pm
    Withrow Common Gallery - Canadian National Exhibition
    200 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3

    In collaboration with leading Employment Service agencies and innovative businesses, we present a disability employment inclusive gathering focused on connecting talent with opportunities. Connect360 is a gateway to a future of possibilities. Make meaningful connections, elevate Disability Employment Inclusion and empower your future at Connect360!

    • Stakeholder Engagement - Foster meaningful connections between job seekers and employers

    • Vendor tables with opportunities - Explore diverse employment service agencies and businesses

    • Employer presentations - Dive deep into accessible hiring initiatives, innovative hiring strategies, and more

    • Service Provider Presentations - Explore topics like Disability Confidence and awareness

    Register today to save your spot!

    Questions? Email us at info@odenetwork.com

    Download the Connect360 Sponsorship PDF.

    • October 08, 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online
    • 10

    October 8 & 9, 2024
    9:00am - 12:00pm ET

    ODEN’s Disability Awareness & Confidence Training is designed for Employment Service Providers wanting to gain knowledge in order to be responsive to the broader abilities, competencies and needs of people who have a disability.

    This training will help to prepare you to confidently support job seekers who have a disability. It explains the benefits of inclusive hiring practices and dispels the misconceptions and myths that frequently surround people who have a disability and will equip you with the knowledge you need in your role as an Employment Service Provider.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Understanding of Disability Employment in Canada
    • The importance of language - an introduction to people-first terminology
    • Understanding of the barriers to inclusion - Dispelling myths that create biases and barriers
    • General overview of disabilities, impacts and considerations for success in the workplace
    • Accommodation and universal design
    • Opportunity to ask questions in a safe and supportive setting

    Member - $180
    Non-Member - $200

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • October 22, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    October 22, 23, 29, 30, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    October 22, 23, 29, 30, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • November 04, 2024
    • 8:00 AM
    • November 06, 2024
    • 5:00 PM
    • Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, 9005 Leslie St. Richmond Hill, ON


    Early Bird Deadline is July 25, 2024

    Looking to register for the Business Stream only on Monday, November 4, 2024.  Click Here.

    Refund/Cancellation Policy:
    October 9 -October 16 - 50% Refund
    October 17 - October 24 - 25% Refund
    After October 25 - No refund

    • November 04, 2024
    • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    • Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, 9005 Leslie St. Richmond Hill, ON
    • 47

    Business Stream

    Monday, November 4, 2024 

    Does your company have goals and targets for your disability inclusive hiring strategy? Are you responsible for policies and processes at your company? Are you an HR professional or people manager?

    The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) is offering a professional development opportunity for businesses/employers on Monday, November 4 at ODEN’s Annual Rethinking Disability Conference.   

    • Discover successful practices and processes for disability-inclusive hiring and retention with HR professionals. 
    • Interact with a panel of Ontario wide Employment Service Providers to learn how and why you want to work with them, to connect you with the disability talent pool. 
    • Learn from ODEN’s Diversity & Inclusion Specialists. 

    Participants will receive a full morning of Disability Awareness Confidence Training, a certificate and 2.25 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours with the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).   

    Come early for breakfast, enjoy lunch and networking breaks with your registration, and a Networking Event with Agencies from across the province from 4:30-6:30pm. 

    If you are not a business and want to register for the RDC 2024 Conference, click here

    Refund/Cancellation Policy:
    October 1 - 50% Refund
    October 2  - October 27 - 25% Refund
    After October 28 - No refund

    • November 20, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    November 20, 21, 27, 28, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    November 20, 21, 27, 28, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • November 20, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Advanced Job Development Training for Employment Service Professionals

    Dates for this session:
    November 20 & 21, 2024
    8:45am - 12:00pm ET


    ODEN’s Advanced Job Development Training is designed for experienced employment service professionals who want to upskill, refine and polish their approach. This comprehensive course will help employment specialists, job developers and job coaches learn how to take a business centered approach to build capacity and improve employment outcomes for people who have a Disability.

    In a recent survey, 77% of Ontario Chamber of Commerce business members identified labour shortages as their number-one business challenge. There is a labour demand problem. People who have a disability are the labour supply solution.

    Are you ready? This training will help your Job Development and Coaching teams increase their capacity to support job seekers and employers in order to meet the labour demands of businesses in your community.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Discover the facts, opportunities and challenges employment service providers and job seekers are currently facing in Canada
    • Learn quality service strategies and how to implement them
    • Develop an understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluating client service (the dual customer model)
    • Learn how to use business cases to communicate to employers about the benefits of inclusive employment
    • The Discovery Process - Discuss strategies and learn how to use tools to get to know your client’s employment goals, skills, abilities, and interests
    • Business approach - Learn how to operate your organization like a business, by marketing and selling your services
    • Learn how to be seen as a valuable human resources consultant for businesses

    Length of Training:
    November 20 & 21, 2024
    8:45am - 12:00pm

    ODEN Member Price - $180.00
    Non-Member Price - $200.00

    This is an online, interactive session facilitated by an ODEN Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per session, to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout this live session. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • December 02, 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Online
    • 10

    December 2 & 3, 2024
    1:00pm - 4:00pm ET

    ODEN’s Disability Awareness & Confidence Training is designed for Employment Service Providers wanting to gain knowledge in order to be responsive to the broader abilities, competencies and needs of people who have a disability.

    This training will help to prepare you to confidently support job seekers who have a disability. It explains the benefits of inclusive hiring practices and dispels the misconceptions and myths that frequently surround people who have a disability and will equip you with the knowledge you need in your role as an Employment Service Provider.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Understanding of Disability Employment in Canada
    • The importance of language - an introduction to people-first terminology
    • Understanding of the barriers to inclusion - Dispelling myths that create biases and barriers
    • General overview of disabilities, impacts and considerations for success in the workplace
    • Accommodation and universal design
    • Opportunity to ask questions in a safe and supportive setting

    Member - $180
    Non-Member - $200

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • December 04, 2024
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    December 4, 5, 11, 12, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    December 4, 5, 11, 12, 2024
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • January 14, 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    January 14, 15, 21, 22, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    January 14, 15, 21, 22, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • January 23, 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Advanced Job Development Training for Employment Service Professionals

    Dates for this session:
    January 23 & 24, 2025
    8:45am - 12:00pm ET


    ODEN’s Advanced Job Development Training is designed for experienced employment service professionals who want to upskill, refine and polish their approach. This comprehensive course will help employment specialists, job developers and job coaches learn how to take a business centered approach to build capacity and improve employment outcomes for people who have a Disability.

    In a recent survey, 77% of Ontario Chamber of Commerce business members identified labour shortages as their number-one business challenge. There is a labour demand problem. People who have a disability are the labour supply solution.

    Are you ready? This training will help your Job Development and Coaching teams increase their capacity to support job seekers and employers in order to meet the labour demands of businesses in your community.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Discover the facts, opportunities and challenges employment service providers and job seekers are currently facing in Canada
    • Learn quality service strategies and how to implement them
    • Develop an understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluating client service (the dual customer model)
    • Learn how to use business cases to communicate to employers about the benefits of inclusive employment
    • The Discovery Process - Discuss strategies and learn how to use tools to get to know your client’s employment goals, skills, abilities, and interests
    • Business approach - Learn how to operate your organization like a business, by marketing and selling your services
    • Learn how to be seen as a valuable human resources consultant for businesses

    Length of Training:
    January 23 & 24, 2025
    8:45am - 12:00pm

    ODEN Member Price - $180.00
    Non-Member Price - $200.00

    This is an online, interactive session facilitated by an ODEN Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per session, to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout this live session. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • February 06, 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    February 6, 7, 13, 14, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    February 6, 7, 13, 14, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • February 11, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online
    • 10

    February 11 & 12, 2025
    9:00am - 12:00pm ET

    ODEN’s Disability Awareness & Confidence Training is designed for Employment Service Providers wanting to gain knowledge in order to be responsive to the broader abilities, competencies and needs of people who have a disability.

    This training will help to prepare you to confidently support job seekers who have a disability. It explains the benefits of inclusive hiring practices and dispels the misconceptions and myths that frequently surround people who have a disability and will equip you with the knowledge you need in your role as an Employment Service Provider.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Understanding of Disability Employment in Canada
    • The importance of language - an introduction to people-first terminology
    • Understanding of the barriers to inclusion - Dispelling myths that create biases and barriers
    • General overview of disabilities, impacts and considerations for success in the workplace
    • Accommodation and universal design
    • Opportunity to ask questions in a safe and supportive setting

    Member - $180
    Non-Member - $200

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • March 11, 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Advanced Job Development Training for Employment Service Professionals

    Dates for this session:
    March 11 & 12, 2025
    8:45am - 12:00pm ET


    ODEN’s Advanced Job Development Training is designed for experienced employment service professionals who want to upskill, refine and polish their approach. This comprehensive course will help employment specialists, job developers and job coaches learn how to take a business centered approach to build capacity and improve employment outcomes for people who have a Disability.

    In a recent survey, 77% of Ontario Chamber of Commerce business members identified labour shortages as their number-one business challenge. There is a labour demand problem. People who have a disability are the labour supply solution.

    Are you ready? This training will help your Job Development and Coaching teams increase their capacity to support job seekers and employers in order to meet the labour demands of businesses in your community.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Discover the facts, opportunities and challenges employment service providers and job seekers are currently facing in Canada
    • Learn quality service strategies and how to implement them
    • Develop an understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluating client service (the dual customer model)
    • Learn how to use business cases to communicate to employers about the benefits of inclusive employment
    • The Discovery Process - Discuss strategies and learn how to use tools to get to know your client’s employment goals, skills, abilities, and interests
    • Business approach - Learn how to operate your organization like a business, by marketing and selling your services
    • Learn how to be seen as a valuable human resources consultant for businesses

    Length of Training:
    March 11 & 12, 2025
    8:45am - 12:00pm

    ODEN Member Price - $180.00
    Non-Member Price - $200.00

    This is an online, interactive session facilitated by an ODEN Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per session, to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout this live session. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

    • March 18, 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Online Training
    • 10

    Employment Services Training

    Dates for this session:
    March 18, 19, 25, 26, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET


    Ontario Disability Employment Network’s employment service training is designed specifically for organizations offering employment services for people who have a disability. This training is appropriate for job developers, job coaches, career counsellors and community participation staff new to the sector or as a refresh for seasoned professionals.

    Learning Objectives:

    Introduction to Employment Services for People who have a disability

    • Understand the employability of people who have a disability
    • Enhance knowledge of various employment options & opportunities
    • Introduce a new way of thinking of how we approach employment services and improve the level of success

    Job Development

    • Focus on marketing and job development in detail
    • Marketing and Selling your Services
    • Networking for Success
    • How to use Employer Champions

    Job Coaching, Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

    • Importance of the job coaching role
    • Maintenance and follow-up to ensure job retention
    • Customer Satisfaction - Client and Employer
    • Quality Assurance and Evaluation

    ODEN Member Price - $450.00
    Non-Member Price - $500.00

    Dates for this session:
    March 18, 19, 25, 26, 2025
    8:45am - 12:15pm ET

    This interactive training is facilitated by an ODEN Diversity & Inclusion Specialist. There is a maximum of 10 people per training to ensure active participation. Participants will contribute to group exercises and discussions throughout 
    this training. Come prepared to participate and bring your experience to the group.

    Individuals requiring accommodations are requested to complete the section in the registration form at least 7 days in advance of the start date. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.

Past events

July 17, 2024 ODEN Disability Employment Service Awards Information Session
July 16, 2024 ODEN Employment Services Training
July 11, 2024 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
June 27, 2024 Disability Awareness & Confidence Training for Employment Service Providers
June 20, 2024 Light It Up! For NDEAM 2024 National Kick-Off Webinar
June 20, 2024 Connect360 Job Fair: Elevating Disability Employment Inclusion
June 18, 2024 Transforming Workplaces Through Disability Inclusive Hiring Practices: Ontario Corporate Training Centre Business Information Session
June 04, 2024 ODEN Employment Services Training
May 28, 2024 ODEN Members Town Hall
May 22, 2024 ODEN Members Town Hall - Planning Session
May 07, 2024 Information Session - Disability Awareness and Confidence Training For The Canadian Youth Success Strategy Project
April 25, 2024 Disability Awareness & Confidence Training for Employment Service Providers
April 18, 2024 ODEN Employment Services Training
April 11, 2024 Transforming Workplaces Through Disability Inclusive Hiring Practices: Ontario Corporate Training Centre Business Information Session
April 04, 2024 Transforming Workplaces Through Disability Inclusive Hiring Practices: OCTC Information Session For Employment Service Providers
April 02, 2024 Championing Disability Inclusion in Employment: The Legacy of David C. Onley Exhibit
March 27, 2024 Disability Awareness and Confidence Training for Business
March 26, 2024 Championing Disability Inclusion in Employment: The Legacy of David C. Onley Exhibit
March 21, 2024 ODEN Biz Connect - Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
March 20, 2024 Disability Awareness and Confidence Training for Business
March 19, 2024 ODEN Connection - Change Management: Digital Transformation
March 19, 2024 Championing Disability Inclusion in Employment: The Legacy of David C. Onley Exhibit
March 12, 2024 Championing Disability Inclusion in Employment: The Legacy of David C. Onley Exhibit
March 07, 2024 Championing Disability Inclusion in Employment: The Legacy of David C. Onley Exhibit
February 27, 2024 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
February 20, 2024 ODEN Connection - The Power of Collaboration, Mentorship, and Knowledge Exchange as Key Drivers in the Disability Sector
February 14, 2024 ODEN Employment Services Training
February 01, 2024 ODEN Biz Connect - Tangerine Bank
January 25, 2024 Transforming Workplaces Through Disability Inclusive Hiring Practices: Ontario Corporate Training Centre Information Session
January 18, 2024 ODEN Employment Services Training
January 09, 2024 ODEN Connection - Partnership & Collaboration
December 06, 2023 ODEN Connection - Change Management: Succession Planning
November 29, 2023 OCTC Information Session for Employment Service Providers
November 23, 2023 ODEN Employment Services Training
November 14, 2023 Business Stream @ Rethinking Disability Conference 2023
November 13, 2023 Rethinking Disability Conference 2023
October 19, 2023 Light It Up! For NDEAM 2023
October 19, 2023 ODEN Employment Services Training
October 17, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect - Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
October 10, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Canada Post - Indigenous Disability Hiring
September 27, 2023 ODEN Connection: The JDAPT: A New Interactive Tool to Identify Work-Related Support Strategies for Workers with Chronic Conditions and Disability
September 21, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Public Service Commission of Canada
September 13, 2023 Breaking Down Barriers to Knowledge Exchange
September 07, 2023 ODEN Connection: Inclusive Employment, From Community Feedback to Business Practice
September 06, 2023 NDEAM 2023 Get Involved Webinar
July 05, 2023 ODEN Connection - VjobReady: The Successes, the Research & the Future
June 30, 2023 English Focus Group Discussion - Hidden Mobility Disabilities Project
June 21, 2023 Light It Up! For NDEAM 2023 Kick-Off
June 20, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Canada Post
June 15, 2023 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
June 14, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Amazon
June 06, 2023 ODEN Employment Services Training
May 31, 2023 Groupe de discussion le projet incapacités de mobilité invisibles
April 26, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect - Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
April 20, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
April 18, 2023 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
April 13, 2023 English Focus Group Discussion - Hidden Mobility Disabilities Project
March 23, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Canadian National Exhibition CNE
March 22, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
March 21, 2023 ODEN Connection - Hidden Mobility Disabilities Project
March 15, 2023 ODEN Connection Event – Improving Information Dissemination with REAL Xchange KTT
March 08, 2023 ODEN Connection Event – Special Webinar Series
March 08, 2023 ODEN Connection Webinar Series - Partnership & Change Management In Action
March 07, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
March 07, 2023 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
March 01, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Employment Service Provider Info Session
February 28, 2023 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Shared Services Canada
February 22, 2023 ODEN Connection Webinar Series - Change Management
February 22, 2023 English Focus Group Discussion - Hidden Mobility Disability Project
February 16, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Employment Service Provider Info Session
February 15, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
February 15, 2023 ODEN Connection Event – Improving Information Dissemination with REAL Xchange KTT
February 09, 2023 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
February 02, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Employment Service Provider Info Session
February 01, 2023 ODEN Connection Webinar Series - Partnership
January 25, 2023 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
January 03, 2023 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
December 21, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Employment Service Provider Info Session
December 07, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Employment Service Provider Info Session
November 29, 2022 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
November 15, 2022 Business Stream @ Rethinking Disability Conference 2022
November 14, 2022 Rethinking Disability Conference 2022
November 10, 2022 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Rogers Communications
October 27, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
October 26, 2022 ODEN Connection - Better Jobs Ontario
October 12, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
September 28, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
September 15, 2022 NDEAM 2022 Members Only Close-Up Webinar
September 07, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
August 31, 2022 NDEAM 2022 Get Involved Webinar
August 24, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
August 10, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
July 27, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
July 13, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
July 06, 2022 Lancement de l’événement On illumine la nuit ! pour le MNESPSH 2022
June 29, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
June 22, 2022 Light It Up! For NDEAM 2022 Kick-Off
June 15, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
June 14, 2022 Pressing Reset! Strategies and methods to communicate with business successfully!
June 14, 2022 Business to Business – The case for inclusive hiring: Lessons learned and shared from one business person to another
June 02, 2022 Amazon Fulfillment Centres - Career Opportunities Information Session
May 31, 2022 National AccessAbility Week Event: Hidden Mobility Disabilities
May 26, 2022 ODEN Biz Connect: Public Service Commission of Canada & Canada Border Services Agency
May 25, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
May 24, 2022 ODEN Employment Services Training
May 11, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
May 04, 2022 ODEN Connection - Celebrating National Youth Week (May 1-7)
April 27, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
April 26, 2022 Amazon Fulfillment Centres - Career Opportunities Information Session
April 21, 2022 ODEN Connection: Hidden Mobility Disabilities: Making the Invisible Visible
April 14, 2022 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - The Brick
April 13, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
April 08, 2022 ODEN Employment Discovery Training
March 31, 2022 ODEN Connection - Understanding Knowledge Translation and Transfer
March 30, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Post Secondary Education Webinar
March 23, 2022 ODEN Connection - AWES Guided Pathways
March 16, 2022 Member Only - CASE Conference Discount Code
March 15, 2022 ODEN Employment Services Training
March 09, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
March 02, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - 3rd Party Access for Employment Service Agencies
February 23, 2022 Introduction to Jobs Ability Canada for Businesses
February 16, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
February 09, 2022 Introduction to Jobs Ability Canada for Businesses
February 02, 2022 Jobs Ability Canada - Jobseeker Info Session
February 01, 2022 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
January 26, 2022 Luke's Legacy Family Research Rounds
January 18, 2022 ODEN Employment Services Training
January 12, 2022 ODEN Connection - Voices of Tomorrow
December 14, 2021 ODEN Connection - LinkedIn Up Close & Personal
December 08, 2021 ODEN Connection - Understanding Knowledge Translation and Transfer
December 07, 2021 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
December 02, 2021 Introducing Jobs Ability Canada! Jobseeker Event
November 25, 2021 Introduction to Jobs Ability Canada for Businesses
November 24, 2021 ODEN Connection - Understanding the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
November 10, 2021 Project SEARCH - Partnership Opportunity Information Session
November 09, 2021 ODEN Employment Services Training
November 04, 2021 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Canada Revenue Agency
November 02, 2021 ODEN Employment Discovery Training
October 28, 2021 ODEN Annual General Meeting & NDEAM Wrap Up
October 21, 2021 Light It Up! For NDEAM
October 19, 2021 Employment: The Gold Standard
October 19, 2021 ODEN Advanced Job Development Training
October 14, 2021 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Travelers Canada
October 07, 2021 ODEN Connection - Learn all you need to know about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
October 05, 2021 Raising Expectations: What does your child want to do when they grow up?
September 29, 2021 ODEN Connection - Understanding Knowledge Translation and Transfer
September 28, 2021 ODEN Biz Connect Leader Series - Rogers Communications
September 23, 2021 ODEN Connection: Welcome to Hospitality - A Sector of Inclusion & Opportunity
September 16, 2021 Introducing Jobs Ability Canada! A Member Only Event
September 14, 2021 NDEAM 2021 Members Only Close-Up Webinar
September 14, 2021 ODEN 3-Day Employment Services Training
September 09, 2021 Youth Success Strategy – Developmental Services – Project Introduction & Upcoming Webinars
September 02, 2021 NDEAM Get Involved Webinar
July 21, 2021 Light It Up! For NDEAM Kick-Off
June 03, 2021 A Learning Tool for YOUR job seekers

Ontario Disability Employment Network

1-866-280-ODEN (6336)


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Tel: 866-280-6336



4081 Thickson Road N
PO Box 4047
Whitby, ON L1R 2X0

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